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Showing posts with label coc wikia. Show all posts

Common Terminology, Phrases and Acronyms used on COC

Common Terminology, Phrases and Acronyms used on COC

Hi Chief, here are some common Terminology, Phrases and Acronyms used on CoC.

G – Gold
E / Pink / Purple – Elixir
Dark / DE – Dark Elixir


WT / Wiz Tower – Wizard Tower
AT – Archer Tower
IT / Ferno – Inferno Tower
EA – Eagle Artillery
BT – Bomb Tower
AD – Air defense
AS / Blower – Air Sweeper
Bow – X-Bow
CC – Clan Castle, usually meaning the troops inside the Clan Castle
War CC – The troops inside the Clan Castle on the War Map
Collectors – Elixir Collectors, Gold Mines and Dark Elixir Drills
Drills – Dark Elixir Drills
Trash – Non-defensive buildings, usually barracks, army camps, etc. Sometimes meaning Collectors
DE – Dark Elixir, sometimes meaning the Dark Elixir Storage
TH – Town Hall
Pinks – level 6 walls
Purples – level 7 walls
Skulls – level 8 walls
Legos – level 9 walls
Lavas – level 10 walls
Magmas / OJs – level 11 walls
Ivories – level 12 walls

Base Terminology:

[HIMB] – How Is My Base?

Farm Base / Farming Base – a base designed for protecting resources, especially Dark Elixir. Farming bases aren’t to keep trophies, and encourage raiders to score 30% or more in order to gain a shield from the attack

Trophy Base / Trophy Pushing Base – a base used to win trophies through defenses, and at higher leagues, minimise trophy loss. Resources aren’t a big concern of trophy bases

Hybrid – a base that fits somewhere between trophy pushing and farming, usually protecting both the Town Hall and the Dark Elixir storage while still attempting to minimise trophy loss

War Base – a base designed specifically to defend against war attacks. Good war bases have no regard for loss of resources, and are entirely geared towards not giving the enemy stars

Anti 3 Star Base / Anti 3 Base – a type of war base that has been designed to be very difficult to 3 star, often at the cost of being easy to 2 star

Gemmer / Whale / Big Fish – players who spend money on the game. Whales specifically spend very large quantities of money. A person with a rushed base may also be called a Gemmer if it appears that they bought their upgrades. A whale can also refer to a base in a high league that offers a lot of trophies

Free-to-play / F2P / f2p – a player who has spent no money on the game

War Weight / Base Weight / Building Weight – Every building, spell, troop and hero is worth a certain value, that value is war weight. Defense buildings typically weigh more than troop levels. War Weight of all players participating in a war is measured when you go to war, the matchmaking system then attempts to pit you against a clan with a war lineup that possesses similar war weight to your own

Rushed Base – a base that has an upgraded Town Hall, but lower level troops and/or defense buildings

Engineered Base / Engineering – an engineered base is a base that has disproportionate troop/hero/spell levels to defense building levels. This is different from a rushed base because it has been done deliberately to affect War Weight

0.25 0.5 0.75 / .25 .5 .75 – bases with a decimal attached, eg. TH10.5, are bases whose progress through the next level of upgrades has been halted or slowed strategically to gain advantage in war

Mini-max – Mini-Max bases are engineered bases that have some low level defenses, usually TH6-7 equivalent, and high level troops, usually TH9-11 equivalent

Defenseless – Defenseless bases are the most heavily engineered bases possible. They possess only a level 1 cannon and no other defenses, but high level troops/spells/ heroes


GB – Giant Bomb

DGB – Double Giant Bomb, used to be an instant kill for hog riders, but an update changed that
SAM / Black Air Bomb – Seeking Air Mine

Freeze Trap – a limited time only trap that acted like a freeze spell dropped on attacking enemy troops

Attack Terminology:

[HWYA] – How Would You Attack?

Farming – when a player is farming, they are raiding bases with no concern for trophy loss, and focussing primarily on resource gathering

Trophy Pushing / Pushing – when a player is trophy pushing, they are attempting to climb to a higher league, where the loot bonuses and star bonuses are higher

KS – Kill Squad, a small unit of troops deployed to remove certain buildings (eg, an air defense), Heroes or Clan Castle troops

223 – Kill Squad composition, most commonly used for TH10. Composed of 2 Witches, 2 Wizards and 3 Barbarians. This composition fits perfectly into a TH10-11 Clan Castle

212 – Kill Squad composition, most commonly used for TH9. Composed of 2 Witches, 1 Wizard and 2 Barbarians. This composition fits perfectly into a TH9 Clan Castle

Core – Centre of the base, usually containing the Town Hall or Dark Elixir Storage

Funnel – a tactic involving clearing away certain buildings to allow your main attack to better path in the direction you want them to
TH Sniping – 1) a raid wherein the attacker will attempt to get their opponent’s Town Hall without necessarily reaching 50% destruction 2) also might reference an old raiding tactic, made obsolete by an update to the game. Before the update the Town Hall, when destroyed, would provide a shield to the defender and the defender would only lose a small amount of resources. This led to players leaving their Town Hall outside their base

Surgical – a method of troop deployment, typically used with Balloons and Hog Riders. The troops are deployed sparingly and directly against individual buildings, using just enough to destroy each. Hog Riders and Balloons are typically used for their ability to leap/fly over walls and because they target defensive buildings

Asian Wall – a method of troop deployment. Troops are deployed by dragging the finger in a line along one side of the base, or multiple sides at once. Most often done with Hog Riders
Back-End / Clean Up – troops that have been saved till after the main body of the attack has been deployed. Used to clear away any leftover buildings that survivors from the main attack (if there are any) cannot reach in time

Mass – an army composition type. Any troop name preceded by the word Mass is an army that is all or mostly comprised of the same troop. Eg. Mass Drags is an army of only Dragons

Dip Attack / Dipping / Bully Attack – a war tactic where a stronger player will attack a lower player on the war map. Refers to either dropping down the war map, or hitting an opponent of a lower Town Hall level


AQ – Archer queen
BK – Barbarian King
Warden / GW – Grand Warden (TH11 hero)
Superqueen / Queen Walk / QW / AQW – using a number of healers, usually 4, to support the Archer Queen soloing areas of a base
Queen Charge / AQ Charge – similar to a Queen Walk, only used to drive into the core of a base rather than clear away at the outside
King Walk – same as a Queen Walk, but with the Barbarian King
Suicide King / Suicide Queen / Suicide Heroes – using hero/heroes for certain tasks (like a Kill Squad) with no concern for their survival


Normal Spells / Elixir Spells – any spell brewed from the regular spell factory
Dark Spells – any spell brewed from the dark spell factory
Zap – Lightning spell
EQ / Quake – Earthquake spell
Zapquake – a mix of lightning and earthquake spells that can destroy certain buildings, eg. Air Defenses and Inferno Towers
Santa’s Surprise / Santa Surprise / Christmas Spell / Xmas Spell – a limited time only spell that is sometimes gifted to players by Supercell on or around Christmas


Elixir Troops / Normal Troops / Non-Dark Troops – any troop that is trained from the regular barracks and does not cost Dark Elixir
Dark Troops – any troop that is trained in the dark barracks and costs Dark Elixir
Ice Wizard / Ice Wiz – a limited time only snow/ice themed variant of the wizard, copied from Clash Royale and gifted to players by Supercell on or around Christmas
Barb – Barbarian
Arch – Archer
Gi – Giant
Gob – Goblin
WB – Wallbreaker
Loon – Balloon
Wiz / Wi – Wizard
Wi can also mean Witch
Drag – Dragon
Pe – Pekka
Mi – Miner
Baby / BD – Baby Dragon
Min / ion – Minion
Hog / Ho – Hog Rider
Valk / Va – Valkyrie
Rock / Go – Golem
Hound / La / Lava – Lava Hound
Rock Thrower / Bo – Bowler
Skelly / Skellies / Larry / Larries – Skeletons, found in skeleton traps, skeleton spells and summoned by witches

Army compositions:

Most armies are named after the troops used in them. Often using two letters from each unit’s name
Barch – Barbarians and Archers
GiBarch – Giants, Barbarians and Archers
BAM – Barbarians, Archers and Minions
Bitch – Bowlers and Witches
Witch Slap – Witches and Healers
Govaho – Golems, Valkyries and Hog Riders
Gowipe – Golems, Wizards and Pekka
Gowiwi – Golems, Wizards and Witches
Goho – Golems and Hog Riders
Bovaho – Bowlers, Valkyries and Hog Riders
Lavaloon / Laloon / LL – Lava Hounds and Balloons
LLP – Lava Hound, Balloon and Poison Spell in Clan Castle
LLE – Lava Hound, Balloon and Earthquake Spell in Clan Castle
LLH – Lava Hound, Balloon and Haste Spell in Clan Castle
LLS – Lava Hound, Balloon and Skeleton Spell in Clan Castle
Lavaloonion / Laloonion – Lava Hounds, Balloons and Minions
Loonion – Balloons and Minions
Pentaloon – Five Lava Hounds and some Balloons
Quadloon – Four Lava Hounds and some Balloons
Golaloon – Golems, Lava Hounds and Balloons
Boner – Bowlers and Miners (or so I hear)
Gowiva – Golems, Wizards and Valkyries
Gobolaloon – Golems, Bowlers, Lava Hounds and Balloons
Dragloons / Dragoons – Dragons and Balloons
Goboner – Golems, Bowlers and Miners
Stoned – Three Golems
Shattered – Two Golems
Cold-Blooded – One Golem
Goblin Knife / Gob Knife / Knife / Knifing – Main army of Goblins, supported by other troops (Giants, Wizards, Archers) using jump, rage and heal spells to dive deep into a base to destroy the Dark Elixir Storage and Town Hall

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